Users are encouraged to follow the simple suggestions set out in Help Yourself.
About - 10 Jan 2011 14:21
NickServ is the network service responsible for keeping track of who owns which nicknames.
Automatically Joining Channels - 10 Jan 2011 08:43
NickServ can help you automatically join the channels you use regularly. If a particular channel in your autojoin list is invite only, and you have sufficient access for the channel, NickServ will invite you before joining you to the channel.
Email Address - 10 Jan 2011 08:41
You can check the email address your nickname is registered to with the following command:
Identifying For Your Nickname - 10 Jan 2011 08:34
In order to use a registered nickname, and before you can perform any ChanServ functions, you will be required to identify yourself. You can use the following command:
Kill Enforce - 10 Jan 2011 08:55
This enables kill protection for your nickname. With kill protection on, if a user tries to take your nick, they will be given one minute to change to another nick, after which they will be forcibly removed from IRC by NickServ.
Linking Nicknames - 10 Jan 2011 08:36
Unregistered nicknames can be linked to previously registered nicknames without needing to register them. Linked nicknames inherit the access levels and other network services permissions from the original nickname. Nicknames may only have a limited number of nicknames linked to them. The follow command can be used to link a nickname:
Managing Your Nickname Access List - 10 Jan 2011 08:51
Access lists for your nickname are a list of addresses allowed to use nickname, as recognized by NickServ. If you connect to IRC with an address on this list, you will not be affected by the nick's KillEnforce setting and, if the Secure option is disabled, you will be able to receive auto-op and other privileges in channels without using the Identifying command.
NickServ Security Features - 10 Jan 2011 08:58
Turns NickServ's security features on or off for your nickname. With SECURE set you must enter your password before you will be recognized as the owner of the nick, regardless of whether your nick is on the access list. However, if you are on the access list, NickServ will not auto-kill you regardless of the setting of the KILL option.
Password Management - 10 Jan 2011 09:02
To change your password, use the following command:
Registered Channels For A Nickname - 10 Jan 2011 08:46
The NickServ command LISTCHANS can be used for viewing which channels have been registered
under your currently identified nickname.
Registering A Nickname - 10 Jan 2011 08:31
To register your nickname you can use the following syntax:
About - 10 Jan 2011 14:24
ChanServ is the network service responsible for keeping track of which channels belong to which users, user access privileges for channels and a host of other channel-related states.
Access Levels - 10 Jan 2011 12:43
Access levels provide the ability to specify different degrees of channel privileges (voice, protection, etc.) for users, specified by the “access level”. Unless otherwise specified, assume default access levels in examples.
Default Access Levels - 10 Jan 2011 12:45
Here is a listing of the default fresh ChanServ levels:
Maintaining Access Lists - 10 Jan 2011 12:50
Following on from Access Levels; ChanServ has shortcuts to maintaining your access lists. These are VOP, HOP, AOP and SOP which represent voice (+v), half-op (+h), operator (+o) and super-op (+a and +o) respectively.
Managing Passwords - 10 Jan 2011 11:20
If you have lost or forgotten the password for a registered channel you can request that ChanServ email it to you if you meet the following conditions:
Mode Locking - 10 Jan 2011 11:30
ChanServ allows you to define certain channel modes to be always on (or off). The modes that can be locked are i, k, l, m, n, p, s, and t; each of these modes can be locked on, locked off, or not locked. Use the + prefix to lock modes on and - to lock modes off.
Passive Operators - 10 Jan 2011 13:02
As we all know one of IRC's special features is the users who go on wild power trips. Their aim is to gain op status in every channel for the sole purpose of wielding it against other people at every opportunity.
Registering Channels - 10 Jan 2011 11:11
In order to register a channel the following conditions need to be met first:
Topic Locking - 10 Jan 2011 11:43
Topic locking is a ChanServ command which allows you to lock (fix) the topic, meaning that ChanServ will retain a particular topic regardless of any attempts to modify the topic with the /topic command.
Unregistering Channels - 10 Jan 2011 11:16
Just like you can register a channel you too can unregister one, referred to as "dropping" a channel, by
using the ChanServ DROP command. In order to drop a channel you will need to identify yourself to
ChanServ using the IDENTIFY command:
About - 10 Jan 2011 14:26
AresServ is the network service responsible for keeping track of affiliate groups and their members.
Guidelines For Affiliate Groups - 10 Jan 2011 13:53
It is strongly suggested that these guidelines are read carefully and followed closely in order to help you submit a request that will accepted.
Leaving Groups - 10 Jan 2011 13:57
You can leave your current affiliate group with the following command:
Managing Groups - 10 Jan 2011 13:58
If you are the founder of an affiliate group you can invite new users to your group with the following command:
Registering Groups - 10 Jan 2011 13:06
Affiliate groups are regulated by Shadowfire network operators and cannot be created directly by users. Users wishing to create a new group should submit their request via the Affiliate group request form.